Crossing Cultures, Crossing Time
Client: The Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, UK
Project: Museum redevelopment, Heritage Lottery funded
Collaborators: Rick Mather Architects, Metaphor (Design), Newangle (AV) Richard Glassborow Associates (Interactives)
Our team guided and supported curatorial staff in developing all aspects of audience engagement, scripted communication, wayfinding, design and media under single theme: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Time.
The Ashmolean, Britain’s oldest museum, wanted to undertake a complete renovation and adaptation of the museum spaces and redisplay of its collections, spanning more than thirty galleries of art and archaeology. This involved a major task of briefing, direction and collaboration with multiple specialist teams.
We developed the AV and interactive strategy, created briefs and protocols and advised on the object selection process.
We then worked alongside the developers and curators on all textual, graphic, audio-visual, multimedia and interactive elements.
The Ashmolean redisplay has won a range of international awards and the museum’s visitor numbers increased fourfold. It remains in the top 20 free visitor attractions in England.
Tim Gardom Associates subsequently consulted on the combined New Galleries of Ancient Egypt and Nubia and Unwrapped: The Story of a Child Mummy at the Ashmolean. Director, Alison, was seconded as Acting Head of Interpretation at the museum in 2013.
This £5million project journeys chronologically through 5,000 years of human occupation of the Nile Valley.
The Ashmolean Museum, erected 1678-1683
One of the Ashmolean galleries before the redevelopment
A new Atrium and staircase design physically connects all galleries
New displays highlight physical and narrative connections across space and time
Transmedia storytellingdelivers a coherent experience across different displays, technologies and types of media
Testing physical interactive with young visitors during the development phases
Interpretation was developed to engage visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learners
Commissioning, scripting and briefing for digital interactives and screen-based media
Interactive physical-digital wayfinding system
Development of the new education offer and programming
Development of the new educational offer and integrated programming